New Site, day 2

It’s day 2 of Iron despite the fact that we’ve been here since the 16th of January. I’ve gotten a few calls on the first post, some good comments. A few saying they’re glad I’m back and that they got a good laugh out of it while a few others questioned my sense of humor. Well, anyone who knows me or followed my postings from the Engine 9 blog should know that my sense of humor is sometimes dark but that I always say (or type) whats on my mind. That said, some came away from the first posting thinking that I’m not very happy right now. Well, that’s only partially true. I’m NOT happy that I was moved from station #9 just before the transition and move into a new station. I’m NOT happy that this is NOT the first time this has happened to me. I’m NOT happy how I was informed of the move and I am NOT happy about Coon and Opie being moved either. That said, IT’S DONE! We’re not going to change it and, the truth is … it’s not so bad out here (Schmoe was right on). The station we’re in is basically brand new. We have all the fancy stuff we’ve never had but IT’S DIFFERENT. I / we miss the feeling of an “old” FIREHOUSE. This is more like staying at a fancy hotel. We miss our crew …we were really just beginning to come together. Most of all, we miss the runs. We run SQUAT out here. The up side to that is we have a lot of time to think about stuff. Stuff such as why they call this house the “green station”. When we were at #9, we always thought it was because of all the hippie and environmentally friendly stuff they Incorporated into the station. Now, we know different….

They call it “green” because it’s the Department’s pasture. Yep, we’ve been put out to pasture…. GRAZING! The upside to being put out to pasture (if pasturing in the FD is anything like farming) is that they usually place a few cows out with you. And wouldn’t you know it… guess whats just next door?? visible from the kitchen window (more so when I have BFI move that dumpster 10 feet in either direction)??

And NO.. I’m not calling the employees there cows or heifers. They are hard working women, trying to make a living in a family restaurant. We love em and they love us too. Hell, they’ve already asked me to judge some sort of clothing contest for them. Yea……… A BIKINI CONTEST!!!! WoooHooooo !!! See?? I HATE IT HERE 😉 Another good thing about being out to pasture? Every now and then the barn catches on fire..
so we may even catch some work.

Other benefits include the time to figure ways to fret. Not that I’m the fretting type but the opportunity is there. We’ve already been accused of stealing some furniture from a battalion Chief, I swear Chief…I haven’t seen your couch. We really don’t need comfortable furniture anyway…this Cargo crap…errrr.. furniture is just fine.

Oops…how did that pic get here? Maybe I’ve seen your couch after all Chief… (I told Rhett not to do it). Our ol buddy Roy Lane(also found in the Engine 9 Blog Hall of Fame)has our new address and stops by regularly to bring doughnuts and other goodies. It’s funny as hell when he rings our fancy door bell. We just cant figure out why dispatch calls each time and fire trucks and cop cars show up?? Gotta do some research…

We’ve met our new neighbors down at Roanoke County Station #1 and have even been invited to and eaten dinner at their “5 star fire station”.

Now, don’t think we ain’t taking a little heat. Some people..even a few we used to call family, have made some lame attempts to fret us. Yep fret US of all people. The worst thing is that I must have failed in learning them how to fret cause they ain’t done too good. LAME! AMATEURS! Yea, we left (lost) an axe. In the attic of YOUR fire scene. Why were WE in the attic??? CAUSE THAT’S WHERE THE FIRE WAS! I’m surprised you even found it… it had to be horrifying going up there and seeing all that charred wood and stuff… bet it even smelled “smokey” huh? Anyway, I’m glad they found her and even took the time to put a fresh coat of paint on it. And then, in a “never before done” scheme, they posted a pic of it on the station #3 blog as if we made the post….come on guys! Is that all you learned?? The ol wheel even rolled around quicker than I thought it would have cause just a week later, they left a piece of equipment here. It was returned in original condition paint, no ropes or chain attached..NOTHING. Why??? because we can do better 🙂
So to sum it up for the night.. it ain’t all that bad. I have a GREAT CREW…Coon and Opie (who came with me from #9 C)as well as 3 other great members. Collin “Pee-Wee” Humphries (formally of #5 B), Joe “Tink Tink” Austin (who stayed here from #3C) and Lt Scott “Eugene” Bradford (from #4 B and who is currently serving in Haiti). I hope you like the new look / site etc. I know we’re going to enjoy working on the post… lord knows we have the time for it. Until next day (Thursday) Thanks for reading, stay safe and in the house!
captain Wines