We’re back and it’s Mon. Wed. Friday week…ugggggg! I HATE it! It seems as if you can never get anything done when working this cycle..at home that is. It’s rainy and cool anyway so I guess being here is as good as being anywhere else. It’s been a busy one too. We obviously haven’t had any fires but our brothers and sisters over on the South side have gone to work this evening. As always, it sounded like they did a bang up job. Us??? it’s been wreck day up on I-581. I’ve had the South bound lanes of 581 closed more than open today. LMAO.. I get cussed at enough in everyday life without upsetting a couple hundred “in a hurry to get nowhere” drivers but hey…it’s worth it. You see, we close down lanes (and block them solid with our rigs) to protect our members from being hit by “rubber neckers”. And it happens WAY too often! Schmoe over at Report on Conditions wrote about a couple incidents such as this here and here. I’ll shut down EVERY TIME. All multiple vehicle incidents today. The first was 3vehicles with one occupant unresponsive. Pee-Wee, Joe and Opie were able to bring him around and had him talking before arriving at the hospital. The 2nd incident had some major damage from multiple roll overs. Here are a few pics
And yes I called in Engine 5 again for extrication. Someone commented on my last post that they “didn’t see a cut job” in the pic. I guess what they were referring to was nobody was pinned. You see, we shouldn’t need a “pin” to utilize the tool. Hydraulics work a lot easier than the human back. How many accidents have you worked where the dumba** fireman grab the door with both hands and try to pull it open wider (wider than engineered to open) to make more room to work? Oh yea..we’ve all seen it. Me.. my back hurts enough. Let the tools do the work. The vehicle?? More often than not, is totaled anyway. What are you saving? And why not make it easier to work? Removing the doors (including the B-post) and roof allow better access to the pt. It allows more air to the pt and to the fireman holding c-spine from the back seat. It allows for more room to apply a KED if necessary and allows for easier removal of the pt. And it’s done in minutes! That’s my thinking anyway but what do I know?
Here are some more shots..
Just look at Opie out there on the nozzle “doing it”. His momma is sitting at home right now reading this and thinking how proud she is of her most favorite boy lol. Hey, that’s no joke. She sent word by Opie this morning that she indeed reads the blog everyday and she wants me to liven it up a little. Apparently my post on Tyrone leaving brought her to tears. Well I’m sorry “momma Glidden” for making you cry. I’m also sorry that Tyrone couldn’t hack life in the fire department without his beloved Captain. I tried to tell him that they only moved me up the street and that we would see each other more often than he thought. I’m afraid the strain was more than he could bare (spoken in the tone of Tombstone). LOL. Naaa… I really think the move will be a good one for Tyrone and again wish him luck. Speaking of him, the A-shift misfits posted a really cool goodby video. Check it out here . Speaking of the Misfits, (and since C-shift no longer seems to be posting over there) I have some more good news to pass along. WHEEZY PASSED HIS EMT-I !!! Yep, it’s Dr. Wheezy from here on out. A Proctologist I’m sure due to being surrounded by….errrrr maybe a Gyno….no no wait .. a Psychiatrist cause he works with a bunch of NUTS! LMAO.Anyhow, here he is..
Ooooppppps! Wrong fantasy..errrr I mean pic. But I am a sucker for thigh highs…well thigh highs and midgets but those “spanky pants” aka “granny panties”?? Come on Wheezy you can do better than that LMAO! 🙂 Lets try this again…
All kidding aside, CONGRATS Wheezy! EMT-I is no easy task and you have worked your butt off for it. I wont tell the whole story but it been well earned and I’m proud of ya. Way to keep digging with your head up! Ok, so I’m late and slow tonight… I know I know but I have a good excuse. I bought a new puter! Yep, I’m moving up in the geek errr… technology world. Got a new lap top and attempting to figure it out to
night. How’s it going for me?? NOT TOO GOOD!! This Windows 7 thingy, a touchy pad thing-a-ma-jig, not being able to find files or folders.. Geesh! Don’t panic though…the ol Capt will figure her out in no time…that or toss it out the window lol. Here’s the little bute
OK..I’ll wind it up with a reminder that our ( The Roanoke Raampge) 1st football game is this Saturday (April 3rd) at the Salem Mem. Stadium. Game starts at 3pm but there will be tailgating before hand. Look for the “Cowboy Cadillac” and camper for the ultimate tailgating experience. We’ll be setup around noon. Tell all your friends, we need a good turnout for our Charity (Steps 4 Billy). That’s it for tonight. Thanks for reading. Stay safe and in the house, we’re back on Wednesday.
Captain Wines.