ALL ABOARD! Seems as though everybody is jumping on the Xtranormal“band wagon”. Those little animated videos are poping up everywhere on the Fire/EMS Blog Network. Who knew that after only a month or so, the top bloggers on the network would be mimicking me? Oh yea.. it’s true and like they say…. imitation is flattering… but STATTER? I always held him as a leader in the blogging community … an original … capable of putting his own “spin” on a story or the one setting the standards for getting the truth out. And now, not only does he follow MY lead; he also wants to work for Geezer rather than The Iron Firemen?
Watch Dave’s attempt at animated humor here. What is it Dave? Writer’s block? Nothing new happening in PG County or Northern Va. these days ? Now, I know that you are the last journalist that needs lecturing to (especially by me) but seriously old friend…. stick with the NEWS. Leave the “frhetting” and firehouse shenanigans to me! LOL.
The Fire Critic has even followed suit. Yep… Monkey see, Monkey do! The thing about Rhett jumping in the ring is that at least he put a little “firehouse” spin on it. By that I mean that he posted his video and everyone is accusing ME of being the author. The ultimate firehouse spin…. do something but make it seem as though someone else did. Check out his animation herebut be warned of some vulgar language beforehand. I guess this means I’m at least a little closer to the “big time” when two cats such as these steal my material …. the good news is that I’M A GIVER! Anything to help a brother out… LOL.
Moving on, I didn’t post yesterday because we were fairly busy. Boots was off representing our department at CPAT practice most of the day. Because of that, we had an overtime fill-in. You may remember Matt “Wheels” Wheeling from my “Melrose Misfit” days. Wheels was on A-shift but felt like a C-shifter. Anyhow, he covered for boots yesterday and then finished out his time and a half tour over at Station #3. Here’s an older shot of wheels…
We ate well, caught a few ball games and handled some routine calls in between. I should have known something was gonna happen before the tours end because there was a full moon last night. It never fails. We caught a little work with our Brothers and Sister from Station #5. A decent job with several side stories. E5 got in quick and marked it a worker. The Battalion established Command and put 5 to work. He called us on the radio and advised us to lay in (from 1 block away) and advance a 2nd line … heavy fire from the 2nd floor Alpha / Bravo corner.
We stopped at the hydrant and I told Boots to catch it then meet up with me inside. I got out of the truck and hustled up to the house and through the front door. I hadn’t been in there 2 minutes and Boots taps me on the shoulder “I’m with ya Capt”. WHAT? WOW! I told him right then “Damn.. I haven’t seen a hydrant caught that fast since Scotty and I were privates on Engine #5” (both of us were FAST on a plug back then). Boots took the compliment with a smile.
Later, after we were “under control” and taking up; I was out front talking to Scotty (Scott Mutter). He was riding the South Battalion last night (our Battalions cross the tracks to assist each other when a “working fire” is transmitted). He kinda laughed and told me “I haven’t caught a hydrant in YEARS”. What do you mean I asked. Well, apparently; Scott rolled up as Boots was catching the hydrant. He told him “get on in there with Willie… I’ll get this for ya”. LMAO. I smell a cover up! The kicker to it all is that Boots confessed (when we got back to the house) before I could turn it around on and fret him a little. It made for a good laugh anyway.
Another side story from the fire was who got the nozzle. You may remember a recent fill-in at Lucky #13 Carlie Walshe.
Last night, Carlie caught her first “real” fire and even had the knob. Decent fire from the 1st and 2nd floor, a good smoke condition and moderate heat. She hung in there and did a fine job. What’s even more impressive is that nobody got the nozzle away from her! LOL. A good job and nice stop by all hands involved… E5, E13, E2, E3, L5, M5, M2, RS1, B2 and B1. To Carlie.. well done gal! Here’s a shot of Boots cutting off her coat tail and a few others..
(Pictured above: the “over time” crew of E3-C Lt. Brian Wray {D.Bocock-RS1} Matt Wheeling, and David Lucas changing their bottles)
We are back on duty tomorrow and I’ll do my best to get another post up. I want to follow up on the roles of the first due officer from Chris Naum’s Taking it to the Streets. I also received more pictures from our last retiree breakfast. Drew Abel took some GREAT shots and I’ll do my best to get em up for our local guys. Following my post Old Firemen and Dirty Balls , I received a cool e-mail from their marketing department .. I’ll share the details soon.
As far as a “Buckaroo” update…. he’s keeping busy as well. I think he’d go to the station with me if I’d let him. At home, he’s in my hip pocket 24/7. I’ll leave ya with a shot of the little fella on a somewhat different John Deer… a yellow one
Gotta love that “signature wave”! That’s it for now… Thanks again for reading. Don’t forget to follow and tell all your friends about us on Face Book and Twitter. Until the next one, stay safe and in house!
Captain Wines