I know I’m a little early as far as the clock goes but I’m not sure I’ll be able to stay awake long enough to tell ya right at midnight. I haven’t been regular with post this week due to working my tail off trying to catch up from being out sick. I’m almost there. I did want (and need) to take a minute or two to wish you all well in 2011 and the years to follow.
I notice a lot of my fellow bloggers have been saying “thank yous” etc to their readers and I’d like to do the same. This has been one hell of a ride for me so far and I owe it all to you guys. Acting in his self appointed capacity of “King of Blogs”, Rhett over at The Fire Critic once posted some “tips” for making a successful blog / site. I think I break every rule he posted. Most notable, he said to write about your “readers” .. NOT yourself .. he continued to say “nobody cares”. Here’s the exact quote ..
“Write about your readers…not yourself. Unless you blog in the format like IronFiremen.com, you should write about your readers. Most of them don’t want to hear about you. You can add your thoughts, but don’t make your blog all about you…nobody cares.”
Well, I don’t know why but apparently some of you do care (yea yea Rhett … both of em) because you’re reading and following. For that I say THANK YOU. I haven’t really posted or talked about it much but I guess my writing here is some what of an “outlet” or stress relief for me. A “vent” if you will. I fell like I can (and do) say things here that I wouldn’t necessarily say aloud to someone. Despite what some of ya think, I’m not a great “communicator”. So, anyway .. thanks for allowing me to do so.
2010 was a year of ups and downs for me .. a real “roller coaster” ride if you will …
Obviously, one of my “ups” for the year (and my life for that matter) has been the Buckaroo. The cool thing about this site is that you folks have got to watch him grow over the past 2 years as well … here is a pic of him about 1 week old on his 1st visit to the firehouse (Station #9 aka The Melrose Misfits)
Then he began to grow …
You’ve watch him “trade mark” his signature wave and even sport his first mustache ..
Another “up” for the year was my move over to the Fire/EMS Blog Network WOW!! What and honor to be in the company of these folks! The possibilities and opportunities have kept rolling in since my switch over to “the network”. Promotions, product reviews and the network of contacts!
I have meet so many great people through the site … both on and off the job. I have had some great conversations / debates etc and even downed a few beers with some of the top leaders of today’s fire service. Chris Naum .. Chief “Art” Reason and even Chief Billy Goldfeder to name just a few …
We’ve traveled to Fire Rescue International 2010 as well as to the Memorial Weekend at the National Fallen Firefighter’s Memorial in Emitsburg, Md.
My postings have increased in numbers and matured in context .. errr… well ok, that’s a matter of opinion but my “style” if you will has changed somewhat…. hopefully it’s been an improvment. I lost my senior editor Scott Boone..aka “Coon” due to a station transfer. I wont get into that tonight but will hit that as a “down” for 2010 in a later post. Anyway, without his editing skills, any ol rubbish I could manage to peck out on the computer usually made it to the published screen (you guys should see some of the stuff he edited out).
I must also admit that the majority of my time has been spent baby sitting The Fire Critic. Yea.. he’s more of a handfull than the Buckaroo himself…. I thought pottie training him was hard …..
The good news there is that I’ve had help. I gotta say, there’s not a better babysitter this side of Kentland than that of Dave Statter. Now, Dave and Rhett have a history of their own. Sometimes, it’s more like refereeing than babysitting with these two. We’ve kept Xtranormal plenty busy but we’ve also learned along the way that there really is a special bond between Rhett and Dave ….
LMAO .. all kidding aside, Dave is GREAT with the kids… he has that special ability to “get down on their level”. And who knew.. as right as Dave was on the Obion County deal, maybe Rhett has been right on the height thing … Dave doesn’t seem that tall in this pic …
LMAO.. lock the kids up! Ok, so hopefully, I’ll get a post up this weekend with a good look back at 2010… the highs and lows. Again, I’ll say THANKS for the ride and that it’s been fun.
Best wishes of safety, health and properity for each and every one of you …. Wait…. I guess I should throw in a “true” Ironfiremen like photo for the New Year huh ……..
Thats more like it !!! HAPPY NEW YEAR… 2011 !!!!
Stay safe and in House..
Captain Wines