First, I’d like to say thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers following the loss of Chief Slayton. The outreach from across the Country and throughout our profession has been comforting to many.
I was looking through some of my pictures last night and came across a few I’d like to share. I mentioned that Bobbie and I were close and the friendship we shared allowed me a few “perks”. It has been mentioned numerous times how Chief Slayton worked 44 years and retired just this past July. Rhett even spoke of how Bobbie was always being asked when he was going to leave (retire). Well, Rhett was right in that Bobbie never really gave anyone an answer to that question .. no matter how many times or ways he was asked. He wouldn’t even tell me.
What he did do is allow me to watch him sign his retirement papers but swore me to secrecy. The day was May 14, 2010.
He was a little bit excited and proud but also somewhat nervous and saddened. I’m thankful I was able to share that moment with him.
Chief Slayton’s viewing is tomorrow, January 11, 2011 @ Oakeys Downtown from 2-4 and 6-8 pm.
The funeral will be with Fire Department Honors on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 @ 2pm First Baptist Church, Roanoke.
Also see Rhett’s article on the Chief’s passing over at The Fire Critic HERE.
In an effort to maintain my sanity, I’ll try to make this into somewhat of a “regular” post and share a few other things with ya. To begin with, I had better tell ya about the “Cowboy Cadillac” laying down on me before “fire boy” Fleitz does. Yea… my truck on a wrecker and me driving a Chevy.
She laid down on me while hauling hay. The good news is three fold here. 1st, I was at Lynn Flora’s farm. Lynn is the Captain at Lucky #13 on A-shift. Lynn took good care of me and let me use his truck to finish the haul! That was a huge favor … THANKS again Brother!
The 2nd bit of good news in the break down was that I was in Boones Mill. That meant that my old friend and Retired Captain Riley “Big Joe” Peters would be close by. Riley is working for a towing company now that he is retired and he came right out. I wouldn’t have trusted my truck behind any other driver … THANKS Big Joe .. you bailed me out again.
The 3rd piece of news is that Rhett was able to come pick me up. The poor little “city slicker” almost froze to death having to be out on a farm with the like of Lynn, Big Joe and myself rather than wrapped in a snuggie by his computer desk. We took it easy on him and got him back into his truck before frostbite set in. There’s a headline for ya Statter … “Farm work stops Fire Boy Fleitz COLD in his tracks!” LMAO …
All kidding aside, there’s the “brotherhood” at work again. One fireman in a bind and 3 to the rescue .. THANKS again guys! Rhett picked me up and we headed to town to meet 2 good friends and fellow bloggers for lunch and adult beverages. Chris Kiser ( of Fire / EMS Blogs Life Under The Lights) was in town all the way from Illinois. Merris (another friend a fellow blogger who we’ll be hearing a lot more of soon) put Chris up and showed him around town … ours .. Goode and Boonesboro.
It was good to see Chris again .. I haven’t seen him since Chicago. The waitress .. we worked her silly but I promised to make it up to her by making her famous … I told her I’d make her an “Internet girl” … lol they fall for that one every time.
The Buckaroo came to pick me up and we headed home to get a little work done. Heavy work … well .. heavy equipment anyway..
We finished out the evening relaxing by the fire place with a little light reading ….
He liked “Mrs. January” but I’m still undecided ……
LMAO.. we stole errrrr… borrowed the calendar from Rhett. Too Hot to Handle. I’m suprised it didn’t even make his 2011 Top Ten Hot & Sexy Firefighter Calendar List.
Ok, I’m gonna stop here for tonight. Please remember to keep the Slayton family in your thoughts and prayers..
I’m back on duty tomorrow .. I’ll check in then. Stay safe and in House.
Captain Wines