LMAO .. is that a BEAUTIFUL title or what?
I bet Dave Statter is wishing he never taught me about the importance of having a “catchy” title with your post. Yea… it’s all Statter’s fault. AGAIN! LOL
All kidding aside, I did find a new hole to crawl into today and I’ll get to that in just a moment.
First, let me remind you about the Black Diamond X2 Boot Give Away we have here at Ironfiremen.com. Once again, you are correct. I said “give away” .. as in FREE. The X2 Boot is valued at over $300. You still have 11 days to enter and it’s EASY!
Click here for the complete RULES and how to ENTER
Ok, so today is my first day back to work in 15 days…Uggggggg. I traded a day off a few weeks ago so that I could make the Roanoke Rampage vs Chicago Fire Department Football game. Then, I had a “cycle” of vacation to attend FDIC … so it’s been a while since I’ve been in the house.
That said, you would have thought they would have taken it easy on me today. You know … break me back in gently.
NOPE! We were sitting on 7 runs and a HTR (Heavy Tactical Rescue) Drill before 1pm! GEESH!
The drill was a pretty good one though..today’s focus was “confined space”
The class was held at one of our local steel mills and proved to be an excellent location.
That big “tube” looking thing is part of the Arc Furnace Dust Control System.
Inside the tube, and down the slope to the right was a rescue manikin. The drill simulated a downed worker who had been inside conducting maintenance.
Our members had to enter the “Confined Space”. Locate the victim. Then access, package and remove him.
A good scenario with multiple aspects to deal with.
Here’s a shot from the inside looking out. Told ya a found a new hole to climb into.
This is the hole we had to crawl through (or fall through depending on you age and size) to get inside the tube.
Of course we are about 75′ off the ground with rope and air hoses hanging off us as well.
When inside the tube, everyone was “on air”. Instead of our everyday SCBAs (airpacks), that everyone is accustomed to seeing us wear; today we used a “supplied air system”. Which basically means that we had a lot of hose connected to us so we could breath rather than lugging a big bulky bottle around on our backs while in these types of “tight spots”. This type of system also allows us more air to breath than the above mentioned typical 30 minute bottle.
We also had to monitor the “air quality” at all times while operating inside the tube.
We had safety personnel positioned in key places throughout the excercise as well
Pictured here is Lt. Mark Brown.
Lt. Brown monitored the air at the entrance. He also helped members safely enter and exit the hole and tended our air lines.
Pictured here is Fire fighter / Medic Josh Compton.
Compton’s job was to keep everyone tethered and secure once they reached the platform.
Our HTR team is scattered throughout the City while our Rig and equipment is housed at station #6. The Brothers from Station #6 and Ladder #5 conducted the drill this morning and did an fantastic job.
Captain Scott Mutter had command of the incident so it ran like clock work! Thanks to Captain Mutter, his crew and the Brothers from Ladder 5 for some great training! Well done guys!
Ok, so it’s been busy busy and I still don’t have all my reports done! I gotta get on it. Before I go, I do have some good news to pass along…. THE RAMPAGE WON !!! WoooooHoooooo! Our first win in the League!
I had been getting reports as often as possible and believe the final score was 21-8 over the Carolina Commanders. The even better news is that there were no serious injuries today! Way to go guys … and that means BOTH teams! I’ll get a post up with pics and details as soon as I get em.
As always, thanks for following the site. Please take the time to become a “Fan” of Wooden Ladders and Iron Firemen on Face Book as well as to “share” and “like” the post.
Stay Safe and in House!
Captain Wines