“THAT” Big House ..
Look out Washington DC, Ironfiremen.com is headed to the White House!
LMAO .. just wait til they get a load of me! DC will never be the same!
All kidding aside, I feel honored and privileged to have been invited to the Congressional Fire Service Institute Dinner this Thursday night.
Our Country’s top Fire Service Leaders will have dinner and meet / greet with our Nation’s legislators. I have made several trips to DC for the IAFF Legislative Conference in the past but, this will be my first trip to this event. I’m EXCITED!
Here’s a quote from the CFSI’s flyer ….
” In past years, keynote speakers have included Vice President Joe Biden, President George W. Bush, President Bill Clinton, President George H.W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Vice President Al Gore, Vice President Dan Quayle, Secretary Tom Ridge, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert and Senator John McCain.”
Anytime we, as fire fighters; can have some face to face time with our legislators to discuss our issues, feelings and concerns it’s a positive situation. After all … that’s the foundation of democracy right? Now, whether or not they listen to what we have to say …well, we all know how that story ends but the good news is that we have the opportunity.
Unfortunately, I won’t have a travel companion this time. I’m not sure I’ll know how to act or what to do. I haven’t traveled anywhere in a long time that my “Little Buddy” Rhett (Rhett Fleitz … aka Fire Critic) hasn’t been by my side. The good news there is that I have something better …
A “hint” of his sister ..LOL (Funny how she got both the brains and looks huh?? LOL)
I have to be serious here for a minute. The Hotels in Washington DC and surrounding this event are EXPENSIVE. Outta my pay range expensive. Rhett’s sister Vanessa Vincentiworks for a big name hotel chain. Vanessa has helped our Local and fellow brothers multiple times with booking rooms etc.
On this trip, Vanessa was able to help me out….BIG TIME. So big that it made the difference of me making the trip or not.
SPECIAL THANKS to Vanessa for helping me make the trip.
If any of you folks are attending as well, drop me a line and maybe we can meet up at some point.
Ok, so it been a steady past few days and I apologize for not getting a post up yesterday. I’m back on duty tomorrow before beginning our 4 day break and heading out for DC.
Tomorrow’s schedule already looks full. I got a shipment in from my good friend Zach Green from over at FoxFire.
If you were at FDIC this year you were bound to have heard of him and / or his products.
They were the talk of the exhibit floor.
I put one of his Helmet Bands into service on my helmet yesterday and tomorrow, we plan to paint and tape a few tools.
Rhett has already started a 3 part “Product Review” over at the Fire Critic and I will begin mine very soon.
I’m taking a slightly different approach in that I plan to spread the product out just a little.
I contacted a Brother Captain out in the County whom I know and respect. I not only know this Captain, I also know his crew and respect their work ethic.
I spoke with Captain Witt of Roanoke County Fire/Rescue Station #1-C and gave him a demo of the product. I explained that I felt like if I could spread the product out a bit, I’d get a better feel for how it performs. Captain Witt was excited and agreed. The more fire fighter hands we can get this product into .. the better.
I think this will be a good strategy.
I trust Captain Witt and his men to get / give a through and fair evaluation of the product plus … having it in more than one set of hands increases the likelihood and frequency of it being used.
We still need to decide what we will paint vs tape. Unfortunately, I only had one helmet band and guess who gets that??? LOL .. yea ..ME.
Here’s the pic of my helmet before the FoxFire Helmet Band.
It’s the same band most of us wear every day…..
A piece of cut bicycle inner tube to hold my light and chocks.
Zach calls it an “antiquated piece of …” LOL
In my and the inner tube’s defence (while also being unbiased and fair) I’ll say this. The inner tube is cheap, accessible and it works well.
Here, is the shot of my helmet with the new FoxFire Helmet Band in place.
This band is a little wider than my tube but still fit. Zach, MN8 and FoxFire are well aware of some needed slight modifications(or suggestions) and are concidering making the necessary adjustments.
I could have folded the band in 1/2 but decided to wear it at full width for a bit so I can compare the two.
I know of some other possible modifications that may come out but I’m not sure if I should talk about those at this time or not.
I do know that Zach and FoxFire listen to and take seriously the input from the guys on the street. They WANT this product to work for us. Here’s a side view of the helmet band …..
I’ll post more on the product in the future as well as do an “Official Product Review” as soon as I’ve had the time to do a fair evaluation.
Ok, to wind it up for the night … don’t forget to enter to win a free pair of Black Diamond X2 Boots!
Yea… I said FREE Black Diamond X2 Boots!
We are having a “Give Away” here on IronFiremen.com and it’s easy to enter.
All we need is a picture of you beside, in front of, behind or around your “rig”.
See the “Give Away” DETAILS and how to ENTER by clicking here …
Also take the time to visit Black Diamond Footwear to learn more about the X2 Boot and many more of their products!
The pictures keep rolling in but the odds are still too good NOT to enter.
Ok, so I’ll check back in sometime tomorrow. I have more on the Congressional Fire Service Institute Dinner, more on tool painting and FoxFire and another “Trick of the Trade” to bring to ya.
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Thanks again for reading / following ….
Stay Safe and In House!
Captain Wines