Sorry folks, I haven’t posted since my Friday tour at the station.
On Saturday, we ( The Roanoke Rampage ) hosted the Charlotte Cobra’s for some full contact football for charity.
Sunday was the Buckaroo’s 3rd birthday and today I’ve been trying to catch up on everything.
So, to catch you up we’ll start with FOOTBALL.
The work of the devil. The Damnation of my Fire Department. The reason for all of our excessive overtime. For the short staffing. The closed stations and lost engine companies. For the over crowded “light duty” detail.
We got about 3 inches of rain Saturday morning but it let up and the sun popped out just in time for our 3pm kickoff.
Sadly, only 104 of our fans are “die hard” football fans as the stands were a little thin. The good news there is the 104 who made it out let us know that they are true Rampage fans. They cheered every play! Thanks to our loyal fans and supporters … you folks make a difference and we can hear ya from down on the field.
I wish we could have given them a better game to cheer for.
It wasn’t meant to be. The Rampage now sits 1-2 for the season with 2 away games remaining.
Those of us remaining will not be intimidated by our Departments nor the odds we face in achieving a successful season by raising money for our 2 charities. Anybody can sit in the stands or at the office / stations and say this or that about the game or players.
Yea … we’re old (well I am any way). No … we are not professional ball players .. not even college or most high school levels to be honest.
We are men. Firefighters and police officers who believe in something and are not afraid to go get. Despite how sore we are. No matter how much each hit hurts. We’re not sitting back criticizing someone else for pursuing their passion … we’re chasing ours. We have HEART and you can’ teach that!
Charlotte kicked our tails and thats putting it politely.
They requested a “Team Captain” meeting at the half to advise us that they were gonna run the score up because that helps them in the league (which is not true).
Well, the score was bad enough but they didn’t get what they wanted. Our Defence held them several times on 4th and nothing and at least twice in the “red zone”.
They out played us. They have us on budgets and skill. They don’t hold a candle to us on class, determination or belt buckles! There’s a difference in “bought” and “earned”
We took our licks and left all the negative on the field. After the game, we are all “Brothers” again fighting for great causes.
We sat the Charlotte folks down for a great meal and some cold beverages.
Several of the guys remembered me from last seasons game in Charlotte. It was good to see these guys again and share a few laughs and memories.
The team said that Roanoke was one of the best “host” teams they have played. I guess that says something for us … I hope so anyhow.
Of course, they did a pretty good job of hosting us last season. Check out these posts to see for yourself … “…A Bull Bucking Blast Friday Night ” or ” Rampage Make Charlotte ”
( Check out those links above … several of our gals even rode the bull at the Wiskey River Bar ..yea .. I got it on video..)
Ok, so that was Saturday. Sunday, April 17th was the Buckaroo’s birthday. He turned 3 !
I had to mow the grass, set up this and that …. tables, chairs, gas in the grill, saddle the horses etc.
I don’t know how many showed up but it was a good crowd ( only a few no shows),
The Buckaroo had a BLAST and that’s what made it all worth the while
He got to open his new trampoline a little early so it could be set up before the party. The kids had a ball in this thing!
We also got the horses out and gave all the kids a pony ride.
Trampolines, little girls and horses .. what more could the Buckaroo want?
Look at my little fella mounted there. His left hand on his hip like he’s now all the sudden an “old hand” LOL
I shoulda just gave him a rope and sent him over to work the cattle ..LOL
It was a good day though. The kids had a really good time and the adults enjoyed watching the little ones play so hard.
On top of a great party, the Buckaroo also did very well in the present department.
He got tons of cool toys and stuff …. we are gonna have ball playing with it all …
Trains … guns … footballs … fire trucks … tractors … etc
Thanks to everyone (friends and family) who made it out to help us celebrate 3 wonderful years with my little Buckaroo!
Oh wait.. I almost forgot … he also got his 4 wheeler ( a quad for all my northern friends / readers).
He actually climbed into the bed of the truck before I could get it unloaded.
He has put a couple thousand miles on it already and is gonna force me to get yet another part time (or off duty job) to be able to afford gas for this thing.
We are also looking for a lumber supply company sponsor here on because I’m sure that within a week or two we will be in the “ramp” building business .. LOL
So, Happy3rd BIRTHDAY to my pride and Joy .. Wesley Isaiah …”The Buckaroo” !
Today, I’ve been playing “catch up”. Catch up on everything ….
I was kinda looking forward to catching up on fellow bloggers. Ok .. one in particular. Captain Joe Schmoe from over at Report on Conditionshad an earlier post where we spoke of “airplane porn”. I couldn’t wait! Schmoe does NOTHING half ass. His follow up post promised not only the porn but a “fox” as well ! Good looking I’ll buy but a “fox” ???? I gotta see her first.
Well, ole Schmoe made good on the promise … check out my West Coast Brother here with his post titled .. ” Airplane Porn and a Fox for Wines”.
I’m also getting ready for another big road trip tomorrow with my good friend and “little Buddy” Rhett Fleitz ( The Fire Critic).
We are heading out to New Jersey tomorrow to present Rhett’s class on Social Media to our Northern Brothers.
Rhett will be teaching at the Ocean and the Middlesex County Fire Academy this week. He’s like a “professor” now … teaching for Kean University. See and learn more about the classes and locations by visiting Kean Fire Safety .com.
He’s excited and I don’t blame him! Don’t know if I’m as excited as he is ..(look below the belt line)…LOL
Anyway, we are Northern bound tomorrow morning. The Fire Critic and are on the road again! I’m not sure where Ocean or Middlesex County is located (although I like the name middle sex …) but, if you are near there and want or would like to hook up with us, drop a comment or e-mail and we can get out for a drink, tour, dinner or whatever. We will be in town through Friday … look us up.
Ok, so I gotta finish packing and get some rest. I’ll check in tomorrow sometime from NJ …
Until then, stay safe and in house!
Captain Wines