I don’t know why but I always seem to get em …. GOLFERS!
Last year it was Opie … now it’s “Boots”
Taking off work to travel all the way down to the beach just to play a silly game.
I have to admit that I don’t fully understand the fascination. I’ve voiced my concerns in previous posts but they are worth mentioning again.
Golf is a waste of good pasture! Think of how many cows I could run on any given course with minimal fencing.
There also has to be some hidden health issues that the PGA and government aren’t releasing. I mean why else would they put “ball washers” at every stop? What EXACTLY is on the seats of those funny little golf cars?
Of course Boots is a little older and more experienced at the game than young Opie was.
Boots most likely has a cart full of beach babes or little golf goddesses handing him his clubs
Yea… I’m sure of it…. I know how he operates.
I bet he has one of em covered in his balls right now!
I just hope he used one of them ball washer things …
LOL … I’m just kidding … I’m sure Boots and the gang are behaving themselves.
This is a regular trip for these fellas. A couple Brothers from the Department own a condo in Myrtle Beach and every so often a group of head down for a week of relaxation and golf.
It looks like they’ve had good weather and nobody has called for bail money … YET.
I actually wish I was with em..
I have a little “traveling” of my own coming up.
Friday, I head out to California to play a little football!
The Roanoke Rampage are traveling to take on the Orange County Lawmenon Saturday May 7th.
I’m pretty excited about the trip for a couple of reasons….
I’ve never been to California but have always wanted to go. My baby sister actually lives in Orange County so I’ll have the chance to see and visit her while I’m there.
A couple of the guys and I are planning on staying an extra day or so to see some of the sites. We plan to take in a few firehouses in LA and who knows …. I might even bump into Captain Joe Schmoe from REPORT ON CONDITIONS while I’m out there (I’ve got him narrowed down to living somewhere on the West coast near a desert). What are the odds???
Anyway, it’s gonna be a good trip and I’m excited.
So, I know I have a lot of catching up to do but there has been a TON of good stuff here on the Fire/EMS Blog Network all week and I want to make sure you haven’t missed it …
Rhett posted a couple videos of John Stewart from The Daily Show. Rhett found the videos after Mike Ward posted them over on Fire Geezer. If you haven’t seen em … take the time! Here they are …
Dave Statter had several good articles up this week as well (as usual). We had one where a volunteer Chief may have withheld a water supply from the paid staff while operating at a working fire. The story is out of Bensalem Township, Pennsylvania (Bucks County). Check it out HERE. And since I have California on my mind, Dave also has some cool helmet cam footage of the brothers from East Palo Alto going to work HERE .
Chris Naum has come out with several more FANTASTIC articles that are “MUST READS” for every member.
Check out “2011 Focus: Surviving the Fire Ground …” from Command Safety.
Over on The Company Officer, he asks if we have done Anything with the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives lately.
He also has his hands on the findings from the UL (Underwriters Laboratories) studies conducted on fire service ventilation practices as well as the impact of changes in modern house geometries. Some of their findings may shock you and should affect the way you work. The UL also developed an online interactive training module that is worth a visit. Check out Chris’ entire artile HERE .
Any from the Network, Isaac Frazier asks about when to “mask up” on his Face Book page “First Due Questions” . Isaac puts up some GREAT questions that make for outstanding company discussions / training. If you haven’t checked him out yet .. take the time.
Hydrant Gal is loving life. She seems to be settling into her new job North of the boarder just fine.
Apparently she got a raise with her new position. Yea .. she just bought a new horse trailer …. a 3 horse slant with a dressing room! Of course she just HAD to drop me an e-mail and brag rub it in a bit…LOL
I’ve followed Hydrant Gal for some time now and am glad to see things going her way. She even took the time to send me something from a recent trip she took to Punta Cana (where ever THAT is).
It was a post card. The picture was from the back of a gal wearing one of those “almost non-existent” bathing suits. She said she seen it and immediately thought of me. Hummmmm I don’t think she’s EVER seen me in a g-string …LMAO.
OK, so that should catch ya up on what I’ve been reading this week. I have a couple good posts scheduled for this week so keep checking back. I’ll leave with a short clip of the Buckaroo talking about his 4 wheeler yesterday. He was up and waiting for me when I got home … we cant feed or check cows before he rides a little. You can see his excitement in the video … check him out.
I’ll check back in soon. Off tomorrow, back on Tuesday and then 13 days off! Until I get back to ya … Stay Safe and in House!
Captain Wines