HAPPY FATHER’S DAY ! Tonight’s post is late because I’ve been going as hard as possible today in an effort to “catch up” from being sick. Despite working all day, I had a wonderful Father’s Day. The girls had the Buckaroo up early and we got to spend the entire day together. He was so excited. “I know a secret Paw-Paw” …. The girls had baked me a “cake” and that was all he could talk about. It was supposed to be a secret but he REALLY wanted a piece so he had to tell me all about it. What made even more funny is the fact that they didn’t bake a cake at all …. it was a pie but I guess they are all the same to a starving 3 year old.. LOL.
The girls also made me a GREAT dinner tonight and for the first time in a long time, we all got to sit down together and eat. The perfect gift .. FAMILY.
I’m fortunate all the way around. Not only am I a happy father with 2 beautiful daughters, I also have 2 fathers of my own who are very active in my life … a father and a step-father. My dad ..aka “Pop” is retired from the job and lives here in town. When he’s not playing golf or traveling the country hauling Nothin Fancy, he can often be found on the farm helping me throw hay.
My step dad .. Jerry lives in North Carolina. I don’t get to see him as often but he always makes up for lost time. Most recently, he has been traveling here to help me rebuild my barn. It’s been a long, slow and difficult process but I couldn’t have got this far without his help. This barn will out last me …
You guys already know that I’ve been sickly and way behind on my postings. I had intended to post on a great potential gift for Father’s Day but didn’t get it up in time. I will post more on this product in the very near future in the form of a “Product Review” but will give you a small sample for now.
This is Channel Lock’s #87 Rescue Tool.
This tool was designed specifically for firefighters and developed from firefighter comments / input.
It is 2 inches shorter and 30% lighter than their previous #89 Rescue Tool.
Whats even better is that now, you can get 2 for the price of one through their “Buy one, Donate one” program. That’s right .. 2 for the price of 1 !!
The “Buy one, Donate one” program is available only at Channel Lock.com Check out their site and tune back to Ironfiremen.com for a complete “Product Review” later this week.
Just because I’ve been down and out doesn’t mean everyone else has…
It seems as though good friend and fellow Blogger “Hydrant Gal” Has been busy showing off her ass … tail.
LOL … that’s NOT Hydrant Girl on the left but she really did show her “back side” Check out her site and the butt in the air pic HERE .
The pic on the left came from a site I never would have figured … from STATTER!
Oh yea … it appears as if Dave is taking a few notes from Ironfiremen.com and using a little nudity on his site…. I knew you’d come around Dave! LOL .. all kidding aside, Statter is always a true professional and the pic is attached to an interesting article. Check out Dave’s site and that post HERE .
Roanoke has made Blog and National news while I’ve been down this week.
I posted on our latest LODD, Firefighter / Paramedic Dave Palmer HERE. I mentioned in the post how I wished it was better attended. Apparently, Rhett felt the same and published a great post over on The Fire Critic. It’s another “MUST READ” from Fire Boy Fleitz …
Go To The Funeral .. You Owe It To Them
Captain Dennis Croft has once again found himself in National headlines and on Curt Varone’s site Fire Law. Captain Croft recently won a grievance after being unjustly terminated and was awarded his job back. The battle took almost a year and resulted in his demotion to the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Croft has now filed a sexual discrimination suit against the city that seems bullet proof. Pay off on this one could be HUGE. Get all the details and be sure to follow the case on Curt’s site HERE .
To finish up for the night, The National Fallen Firefighter’s Foundation has published their preview of “Courage To Be Safe” with the Chicago Fire Department over at Everyone Goes Home.com Here is the preview … the completed video is scheduled to be out late this summer.
That’s all for tonight .. I’ll check back in the next day or so … until then, stay Safe and in House!
Captain Wines