It it weren’t for the Buckaroo and my girls, I could have stayed in South Dakota…. no kidding .. I enjoyed it THAT much!
Of course it doesn’t help matters any when Bob Gard sends me pictures from the buffalo round up either. Talk about cruel …lol. Man I would have loved to been there to see that.
I do want to thank Bob, the Brothers and Sisters of the South Dakota Fire Service and all the sponsors of the 2012 South Dakota Firefighter’s Benefit once again for their hospitality…. it was a trip I’ll never forget!
If you missed my 3 part wrap up of our trip, you can find it by clicking HERE .
Don’t forget to follow on Face Book. Click HERE then click “like”
So anyway, we’re back in “the Noke” and back to regular firehouse and farm work. We’ve been just as busy here as when we’re on the road.
We got home late Sunday night and Rhett reported for duty on Monday morning. I had a days rest before having to report on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, I had the honor of picking up Chris Naum at our local airport.
Chris made his way into town to speak at our 5th Annual Officer Seminar. His topic was “Five Star Command; Redefining Fire Officer Training for Operational Safety & Excellence“.
It was an excellent presentation!
You may know Chris from sites such as Command Safety, Buildings on Fire and The Company Officer .
Instead of some hotel in town, I put Chris up out at my house. I think it was very relaxing for the both of us but it also had to be a bit of a culture shock. We’d ease the daily stress of speaking by sitting by the camp fire while sharing a few beers and great conversation. He even got to feed the calves one morning on our way into class….LOL.
All in all, the entire event was a success in my eyes. Rhett and I were involved by taking care of Chris and acquiring a ton of “swag” to give away to the attendees. I have a ton of thoughts on the event and also need to take the time to thank the companies who donated the swag. I’ll take care of all that in a stand alone post in the next day or so … be sure to look for it.
So today, I’m on duty and Rhett and Nate Camfiord stopped by.
You may remember Nate from my July 4th post. If not, catch up and read it by CLICKING HERE .
If you haven’t checked him out on Face Book, you need to do that as well … he takes some AWESOME pictures!
He took this one of me and Randy today. Apparently, the “mustache maintenance” program I have little Randy on is working… it’s now a more defined porn stache..LOL
Anyway, Nate has made the move back to the Noke and Rhett and I couldn’t be more thrilled.
We’ve enlisted him for a special project of ours that we’re sure everyone is going to LOVE.
We have a TON of exciting news to tell ya about over the next few days, so again; stay tuned and keep checking back.
The one part I can tell ya about right now is that we will be back on the road very shortly.
The National Fallen Firefighter’s Memorial Weekend will be held October 6th and 7th in Emmitsburg, Md.
We will actually be heading up a few days early. Rhett will be leading the Social Media crew this year while I’ll be working with Dave Statter and the Production team. We shouldn’t be too hard to find so, if you’re attending; be sure to look us up and say hello.
If you’ve never been to the Memorial Weekend, YOU SHOULD. It’s an experience like no other … it’s SPIRITUAL.
Read last year’s post from Memorial Weekend by clicking HERE
Learn more about the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation HERE
Learn more about Memorial Weekend HERE
View the 80 members being Honored this year HERE
Stay Safe and in House!
Captain Wines