It’s day #8 of the Fire Critic / Ironfiren 12 Days of Christmas Give-A-Way and the prizes are flying off the shelf!
This may be the largest Give-A-Way held by Fire Service Bloggers EVER! We have 44 prizes in all, valued at thousands of dollars and we’re giving them away!
There is still time for you to register to win. All you need is a valid e-mail address. It’s FREE and EASY … use the link below to sign up now.
ENTER the 12 Days of Christmas Give-A-Way HERE
As I mentioned above, we have 44 awesome prizes in all. The only thing better than our prizes are the contributors who supplied them. Use the links below to learn more about our contributors, the prizes and to see their schedule of release ….
12 Days of Christmas Give-A-Way Contributors are HERE
Schedule of prizes can be found HERE
We’ve had 24 winners all ready … here’s 4 more to add to the list!
Prize #25 – 2nd Alarm Fire Equipment
This winner will receive a Boston Leather glove strap, and Boston Leather radio Strap.
Winner :
Robert Diamond
Prize # 26 – ESS Eye Protection
An ESS Eyepro kit including eye protection sunglasses, hat, shirt, huggie, and stickers.
Winner :
Dave Bucci
Prize # 27 – NM Coin
This winner will receive a Fire Critic / IronFiremen Challenge Coin and patch.
Winner :
Cory Hyland
Prize # 28 – CommandSim’s Sims U Share
This prize is Windows or MAC. Training technology aimed to help instructors rapidly create realistic, localized experiences they can use to train on and discuss.
Winner :
Douglas Smith
CONGRATULATIONS to all our winners! Don’t forget, it’s NOT TOO LATE to enter for your chance to win. Submit your e-mail address in the link above to register!
Today is also day #8 of the 2012 Santa’s Sexy Helpers! A little something I’ve done for the last few years to help but a smile on your face and maybe take your mind off the hustle and bustle of the Holidays even if only for a minute.
This year, I’ve receive a little negative feedback. One of my Face Book followers called our Sexy helpers “trash” . Another demanded to “keep it off Face Book”. Some are asking for more “skin” but my biggest comment / complaint has been that I’m forgetting my female readers, followers and fans.
My apologies ladies … here’s a special installment for Day #8 … enjoy!
.Stay SAFE and in House!
Captain Wines