I just learned tonight through Face Book what “TBT” means. In case you too didn’t know, it means “Throw Back Thursday”. People are reaching “back” and posting old pictures etc. Things that they may have posted before. They are “throwing” it back to the “old” days.
In the past year, I too have re-posted some older articles for whatever reason but, I called these posts “Rekindles”. Perhaps I need to get with the program and learn the new “lingo”? Anyway, learning what “TBT” means got me thinking about older articles and this was a popular one (maybe because it dealt with the PORN industry).
It still has relevancy as was even picked up by the Huffington Post (although I was never mentioned or linked to). Read their article HERE .
So anyway, here’s a previous post from back on June 27, 2012 … let me know your thoughts…
Porn Star or Felon …which do you want in your station??
Back in Feb. 2012, I ran a series of posts related to convicted felons working (or volunteering) as Fire / EMS responders.
It started with some details from a local news story that just simply, “hit me wrong”. After I posted about a local Volunteer Fire Chief (Billy Joe Carter), the situation kind of grew.
I found out things that I never would have imagined happening right here in my back yard …. I was shocked.
The most shocking thing I learned was how many convicted felons are running on crews here in Virginia. I couldn’t believe it.
What was more shocking was how many readers didn’t see a big issue with it. Some even wanted to categorize different levels of a felon!
I’m still confused as to what’s an acceptable felon? I never knew there was a good and bad one. All I know is that I don’t want a convicted felon working beside me nor do I want one responding to and entering my home.
Catch up and read those previous posts by clicking HERE
Follow Ironfiremen.com on Face Book HERE (click “Like”)
Well, Botetourt County hired an Emergency Service’s Coordinator (I’ll post more on Carr Boyd from Charlotte, NC soon) and things have somewhat settled down (although they still haven’t resolved the felon issue). Now, all the drama seems to be headed Roanoke County’s way….
One of the local Volunteer Rescue Squads has an ex-porn star as a member.
Apparently, 29 year old Harmony Rose has left the Adult movie industry, is now living in Va. and aspiring to become a nurse. She has also joined the Cave Spring Volunteer Rescue Squad and some folks aren’t too happy about it.
Personally, I don’t see what all the fuss is about.
She has done nothing illegal …. being an adult movie actress (porn star) does not make you a convicted felon…. but wait …. even if it did, it’s apparently ok the be a convicted felon AND a firefighter/EMT here in Va.
Just out of high school, Harmony went to work at a Hooters restaurant in Florida. After a while, she began dancing (stripping) at a Gentleman’s Club and from there moved into the Adult film industry. She also worked some in the real estate business as a “side job”. By all appearances, she has been very successful.
Now, apparently; she has decided to move toward a nursing career and has chosen to start by volunteering with a local Rescue Squad …. a smart move by any aspiring nursing student.
Was the path she chose to get to this point in her life the most reputable??? In some minds…. maybe not. It’s not the path I would have wanted my daughters to have taken but I also understand why so many young women do. Who are we to judge?
Again, I don’t see what all the “fuss” is about. She’s a good looking,apparently intelligent woman. She has done nothing illegal and is working towards a new career. To my knowledge she has met all qualifications for membership. There is nothing on the application about previous employment or sexual taste /preference. She was not a member of the CSVRS at the time she made all the movies nor were any of them filmed with her in their uniform or while on their property.
View the Cave Spring Vol. Rescue Squad application HERE
Again I’ll say … what’s all the fuss about? What has she done wrong? A lot of the “hype” I’m hearing is around what some are calling a “morals and ethics issue”. Morals and ethics??? Who’s do we go by? Are ours all the same?
I understand that public servants are held to a “higher standard” but whos?
What standard are we talking about here anyway … having sex? Apparently she’s had a lot of practice and is very good at it so I’d say she far exceeds the average standard as it applies to sex…LOL
All kidding aside, sex is a natural act. Most of us do it. My parents did … obviously yours did too. Hell, Rhett even has 2 children so the odds are good that he has at least twice in his life.
The rumor is that someone on the squad recognized her and began asking questions. How did they recognize her??? They’ve seen one of her movies…that’s how! So I guess the standards for making vs. simply watching an adult movie are different?
I guess what they’re saying is that it’s ok to do it as long as you don’t talk about it? Hypocritical if ya ask me.
I think the reaction I’m hearing from some people could be stemmed more from insecurity and/or jealousy rather than rational thought. I’m sure some of the wives / girlfriends of the male volunteers are not happy and most likely feel threatened in one way or another. If so, I wonder why they don’t feel the same way about other female members?
Do they not trust their husbands / boyfriends? Is that Harmony’s fault? If they are so worried, maybe they should just volunteer alongside their husband or boyfriend …. I’m sure Cave Spring could use the extra help.
Maybe the uproar is because Harmony is a good looking woman? Maybe they could create an “appearance standard” on their application and only allow us ugly folk to volunteer. Maybe it’s that they don’t want their husbands / boyfriends to see how other women can perform in the bedroom? None of which are reason enough to be discriminant towards her.
I wonder if we’d be hearing all this fuss is it were a male porn star in question?
There’s another problem with this story. I don’t understand why the Cave Spring Volunteer Rescue Squad or Roanoke County hasn’t gotten out in front of the story…. if it’s a “story” at all (they should have Dave Statter and Rhett give em a class on how to handle these types of issues). I know that the Officers are aware of the situation and that they have been working to decide a how to handle it. It may be too late because the cat is out of the bag.
The “talk” is everywhere … firehouses, rescue squads, the medic room at the ER etc. Before long, the story will hit the main stream press and here in “The Bible Belt”, it will spread like wildfire. At the very least, someone like FireCritic.com or Ironfiremen.com will hear about it and put the story out. Why not be in “front” of the story rather than behind it?
If they are going to “kick her off” the squad…. do it NOW and justify the reasons (and they had better be good ones). If they elect to allow her to participate as a volunteer (as they should), stop the rumors cold by coming out and saying she meets all the requirements and there IS NO ISSUE.
If she responds to your home and you recognize her, it’s most likely because you’ve seen her films too. I’m sure she’s thankful for your purchase and personal contribution to her nursing school fund.
So what do you think?? Should she be allowed to volunteer or not? Should a previous career as an adult film star keep an applicant from volunteering while convicted felons are allowed? What other previous professions would disqualify an applicant? Are they listed on the application of your Department? I’m curious what you folks think.
I’ll stand behind her any day … I say allow her to volunteer!
Stay SAFE and in House!
Captain Wines