The 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway is underway! The winners for day 1 are listed below. View the prize schedule here.
As always, these giveaways wouldn’t be possible without our friends at Brand My Fire and Fire Cam. Be sure to check them out on FB and give them a “like”!
You can still enter to win if you haven’t already! Enter once per email address.
Today’s winners are:
Prize #1: Brand My Fire – WINNER: PAT NORTON
Stars and Stripes custom maltese cross Prize Package
18″x18″, 10lbs, 4-layered regular and stainless steel combination, finishing preserves original character of the steel.
Website – Facebook
Prize #2: Fire Cam Fire and Police Cameras – WINNER: GREG MASSICOTTE
Helmet or Dash Fire Cam HD Camera
Web site – Facebook