You know the old saying “sh%# in one hand, wish in the other and see which one fills up first”? Well, that’s what today’s post is about… my wishes.
I WISH the job cared as much about me as I do it.
I WISH I had the same same passion and desire as I did in the 90’s.
I WISH I had put as much time into my family as I did the job.
I WISH I had been a better father and husband.
I WISH I had listened more to the advise I was given.
I WISH I had of went right instead of left at Hurt Park.
I WISH I could leave the job on the job.
I WISH I could sleep through the night.
I WISH I didn’t have to take a nap following my tours.
I WISH I wasn’t so tired all the time.
I WISH I had taken as good of care of myself as I tried to for others.
I WISH I could forget the faces.
I WISH I hadn’t seen what I have.
I WISH I didn’t know what I know.
I WISH I knew how to prepare you for the job.
I WISH you’d believe me and take the advise.
I WISH I knew when and how to walk away.
I WISH I could afford to.
I WISH I could have made a larger, more positive impact.
I WISH I had set a better example.
I WISH I had told him I loved him.
I WISH I could have traded places with both of them.
I WISH I wouldn’t do it all over again if given the chance but I would.
I WISH I had that chance!
CLICK to also read “The Right Thing”
Stay SAFE and in House!
Captain Wines