IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial

10408885_916510578382600_1056049916137144160_nI’m currently in Colorado Springs, Colorado to attend the 2015 IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial.

I am with my Local’s (IAFF L-1132) President (Tim Parry) and Sec / Treasurer (Kevin Weeks).

We will be meeting the family of Roanoke Firefighter Michael Tood Harris (“Boots”) who died In The Line of Duty March 2, 2015 from cancer.

Todd was just 49 at the time of his death and was assigned with me at Station #13 C-shift.

You can LEARN MORE about the IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial by CLICKING HERE .

I will also be LIVE STREAMING this year’s on Saturday 9/19/2015 beginning at 11:00 am (Mountain Time… that means 1:00 pm for the folks back home EST).

You can read a small Tribute (and view his obituary) that I wrote for “Boots” by CLICKING HERE.

Be sure to keep checking back here, on my Face Book page (link) or the L-1132 Face Book page (link) or the IAFF Face Book page (link) for updates of the weekend / Services.

Station #13 group photo editMichael Todd Harris






Stay SAFE and in House!

Captain Wines