Win 10 (FREE) sets of Turnout Gear !!

f89f73ad-116e-4ea8-aa90-ef4af4912608Who wouldn’t want to win 10 complete sets of turnout gear – especially when we’re talking about the new VIKING MACS gear which helps keep exposure to harmful particles / carcinogens at bay?

The VIKING Shake It Off Challenge gives those “footloose” firefighters among us a chance to put their skills on video, firing up the dance floor (along with their brothers and sisters) to the Taylor Swift song “Shake It Off”.

The impressive prize includes 10 MACS suits complete with Phenix fire helmets, Black Diamond boots, Majestic Fire Apparel hoods and gloves, and glove straps by Leatherhead Concepts. And they’ll be announcing the winner at Indy on Fire on April 22.

tile_3easystepsThe competition is open to any US fire department that can produce a dance video (less than 2 minutes in length) to the song “Shake it off”. It’s always fun and a good challenge to do something like this, so it’s time to show everyone what your Company / Department is made of.

Check out the competition info on VIKING’s site to make sure you’re doing all the right things to win, then start practicing those hot moves…

They will ship the gear (free of charge) ANYWHERE within the United States. The winner will be announced at the hottest party at FDIC… INDY ON FIRE 2016 ,April 22, 2016; Hosted by,, and

We’d also like to thank the competition’s sponsors for getting behind the focus on the health effects of harmful particles (carcinogens) – this is a growing issue and VIKING MACS is a welcome answer to protecting our brothers and sisters in the line of duty.

Viking Turnout Gear,  Phenix fire helmets, Black Diamond boots, Majestic Fire Apparel hoods and gloves, and  Leatherhead Concepts.

Also visit Indy On Fire 2016 HERE


Stay SAFE and in House…
Captain Wines