From the NFFF ... "Families of fallen firefighters face a long and difficult journey. While the rest of the world moves on, family members must figure out how to live without their loved one. The Foundation offers a variety of programs and materials to help during this most difficult time. Most importantly, we want you to know that you are not alone. There are others who understand your loss and honor your loved one’s memory"
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Surviving firefighter tells the story leading up to the fatal collapse that took the life of Asst. Chief Jamie Middlebrook
The statement that stood out most to me was when O'Donnell said "We weren't in a bad spot. I did not feel heat at all,” . From WSBT "With 18 years of firefighting experience, O’Donnell said he did not feel unsafe inside the building".
Read More »Live streaming from funeral of Lt. Edward J. Walsh Jr. of the Boston Fire Department
Live streaming of Lt. Walsh's funeral is scheduled for today at 10:30 a.m. from St. Patrick’s Church in Watertown. You can view the service from the player or links below. Lt. Edward J. Walsh Jr was killed, along with Firefighter Michael Kennedy at the fatal 9 alarm fire on Beacon Street a week ago. Firefighter Kennedy's funeral is scheduled for Thursday.
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