Pipes and Drums!!!!
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The simplicity of Brotherhood
Brotherhood doesn't have to be something huge. It's caring about and looking after one another. RESPECT for your fellow members. Pride in how you represent our profession. The Tradition of looking after and caring for our own and Honoring those who came before us, those beside us today and all who will follow.
Read More »A bunch of FOOLS
I was able to attend the Weissman service but was on duty yesterday during Whitacre's Funeral. Both were well attended and those in attendance should be proud that our Brotherhood was well represented. Yes... our "Brotherhood". These families got to see first hand over the past few days and week what all the "hype" and Brotherhood "talk" is about. They experienced it first hand. If you attended one of the services.... you did too.
Read More »A good send off
We attend these services for the survivors. The fallen are already in a better place. You attend for the family. The wives (or husbands), children , parents etc as well as for their extended family.... the Brothers and Sisters of their Department. You attend to let them know (and see) that they are not alone, their grief is shared and their support system endless.
Read More »Another Hectic Day In "The Noke"
Well, hectic for me anyway. It’s my 3rd and final day of “riding the car” this week. The Chief will be back to duty next cycle and I get to go back home to “Lucky #13”. As I said, in an earlier post this week; riding the car isn’t ALL bad. Some days are better than others and for me, ...
Read More »FDIC 2011 update
Again, we have met so many people who know our name or face (well... my face anyway). The networking and discussions have been awesome!
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