Tag Archives: Chief John Salka

Dave Statter “Scores” at Baltimore Expo… or does he?

The two beautiful young ladies by his side in the picture above right worked at what I could only imagine being some type of Sports Bar. The place was called "Scores". I assume it's one of those places that have twenty of so televisions on the walls so that their customers can keep up the "scores" of their favorite sport / game?

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South Dakota to Indy! Where will The Fire Critic and I be next?

Just like last year, The Fire Critic and I will be having another "meet up". This year, we have teamed up with several other groups / organizations to make the event even bigger and better than last years! I know ... you don't know how that can be possible but TRUST ME .... you will NOT want to miss this event!! This year, we are calling it The 2014 Firefighter Turnout and you wont want to miss it!

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