The two beautiful young ladies by his side in the picture above right worked at what I could only imagine being some type of Sports Bar. The place was called "Scores". I assume it's one of those places that have twenty of so televisions on the walls so that their customers can keep up the "scores" of their favorite sport / game?
Read More »Tag Archives: firefighter kilts
The Emotion of Brotherhood and wearing a dress….. ok… it's a Kilt!
I often hear people on the job talk about the mythical "Brotherhood" and how it either doesn't exist or is fading. I couldn't disagree more.
Read More »Firefighter gatherings, a Priest and leaving the nest …
by 11pm most of the men's ties are off and around their heads like sweat bands. I've even been to a few where the dresses were over their heads too ...LMAO.
Read More »Working Fire, Extrication and Firehouse Expo!
We caught a small job at shift break this morning... we were coming on, B-Shift was going off. It's a hell of a way to start the day.
Read More »FDIC 2012
We made it ... don't ask me how but we did. Rhett, Andrew Catron, Mike Elston and I are at FDIC 2012 and already having a BLAST!
Read More »A little prayer never hurts… of course clean balls goes a long way as well.
As a Company, we live, eat and play together. Because of that, we are united and that enables us to fight together (fire fighting). Now, we've added another level to our bond of Brotherhood and have attended Church together. We've prayed together and this past Sunday, even received Communion together.
Read More »Happy St Patrick's Day from
Today, instead of joining my Brothers and Sisters on the Parade route and raising a few pints in celebration of St Patrick's Day, I'm working day 2 of a 72 hour tour. Yea ... 3 days straight!
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