What I'm most proud of though is that I was able to make an impact on the Department, it's members and the people we served. I wont go as far to say I left the Department better than I found it because it's such a different Department today and I'm not sure it's all "good". Let's just say that, like so many others before me; I made a difference (yea Mutter ...I know...LOL).
Read More »Tag Archives: Lt. Rhett Fleitz
MSA and Firefighter Survival
MSA is looking for feedback on these concepts and would appreciate your feedback. If you are at #FDIC 2016, stop by their booth and let them know what you think. If you can’t make it, leave a comment here or on Facebook. Depending on the feedback, MSA will evaluate these concepts and move forward with these technologies.
Read More »Help Support Firefighter Families… it’s what holds us together!
On a mission to honor, strengthen and support first responder marriages and families. 24-7 Commitment offers a safe community, along with tools and resources designed specifically for the firefighting community. These include online communities, guided marriage support programs, local fire events, live workshops and commitment weekends for firefighters and their spouses.
Read More »FDIC and my Indy On Fire Top Ten!
The Fire Critic, Model City Firefighter and myself will be easy to find. As usual, we will be in many of the booths down on the exhibit floor as well as at many other evening events throughout the week. You can find our complete schedule in the links below... Be sure to drop by and say hello!
Read More »“Dear Me” … A letter to myself as a 21 year old Firefighter
You've always given 100% to everything you do but I want to ask you to hold back on this one. Save a little for your family, the ones who love you and for yourself. You are still naive, yet full of life, humility and compassion. The job will demand these qualities from you but it will also strip you of them over time.... be careful of that.
Read More »Win 10 (FREE) sets of Turnout Gear !!
Who wouldn’t want to win 10 complete sets of turnout gear – especially when we’re talking about the new VIKING MACS gear which helps keep exposure to harmful particles / carcinogens at bay?
Read More »Products for Healthier Firefighters from Advocare
I had to be honest with them. I very seldom will even take an aspirin. I'm not the "muscle juice" or energy drink type (never tasted one), I'd rather eat the wrapper than an energy / health bar and, I never go to the gym or work out / lift weights.
Read More »Post MAYDAY…Firefighter says training saved his life.
The words no Firefighter wants to hear, "MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY" was transmitted last week at a house fire in Roanoke County (Va). "MAYDAY" is the term Firefighters use when their life or safety is in jeopardy and they are unable to remove themselves from the situation.
Read More »Understanding Who “We” are and Millennials in the Fire Service
We had several good discussions with valid points made by most everyone in the room. It didn't take long before the word "Millennials" was thrown out. Now all of us "old guys" know that the "Millennials" are, have been and will continue to be the damnation and ruin of the Fire Service.... right?
Read More »By Firefighters for Firefighters
About his Carolina Fire Shields, Mark says; "My shields are far from flawless. They are firefighter made for firefighters. They are meant to be smoked up, charred, and used to Kick Ass"
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