From the NFFF ... "Families of fallen firefighters face a long and difficult journey. While the rest of the world moves on, family members must figure out how to live without their loved one. The Foundation offers a variety of programs and materials to help during this most difficult time. Most importantly, we want you to know that you are not alone. There are others who understand your loss and honor your loved one’s memory"
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33rd Annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend
This year's services will honor 98 firefighters who died In The Line Of Duty during 2013 and 9 who died in previous years.
Read More »“Two Hatters”…Firefighters Wearing Two Hats (or more).
For us, it's not so much about supporting Career vs. Volunteer; it's about supporting the Fire Service. It's about being PROFESSIONAL, doing the job and even more than that .... it's about DOING THE RIGHT THING. It's about supporting our Brothers and Sisters who are out there in the street day after day.... on the FRONT LINES of America sacrificing themselves and all that they have in the service of others. It's WHO WE ARE and a pay check will and can NOT define us.
Read More »2012 National Fallen Firefighters Firefighters Memorial Weekend
The Mission / Purpose of the NFFF and the Memorial Weekend is to not only Honor our fallen, but to also provide SUPPORT for the survivors (the families).
Read More »31st Annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend
A silent scream of PRIDE, HONOR, TRADITION and RESPECT. It painted a true picture of BROTHERHOOD between the living and the dead. I held back tears and pulled for a breath as I read the names and dates of men I never knew. Men who gave their lives for folks like us .... for guys like me.
Read More »South Dakota part 2
The Brothers and Sisters of Pierre rolled out the red carpet for us. They even "toned out" over their pager system that we had arrived and for all available members to report to the station. We were honored by the turnout!
Read More »Better late than never!
SPECIAL THANKS to Seal Team 6 for a job well done. I only wish that his death could have been much slower and painful. The thousands that he murdered and the many more he left behind suffered. He should have too.
Read More »2011's Year in Review!
I'm not sure what I've done to deserve the life I've been given this past year but I am truly THANKFUL. Together, Rhett and I have made the journey of a lifetime in just a few short years. I can only imagine what 2012 will bring us.
Live coverage from Emmitsburg, Md. NFFF Memorial Weekend, candle light vigil 2011
Read More »Where will you be?
The 30th Annual National Fallen Firefighter’s Memorial Weekend will be held this weekend, October 14th-16th…… Will YOU be there? YOU SHOULD BE! The Fire Critic ( Rhett Fleitz ) and I will be there. In my mind, this event should top your travel priorities for the year. Before you make FDIC, Firehouse Expo, FRI or any other convention / show, you ...
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