You've always given 100% to everything you do but I want to ask you to hold back on this one. Save a little for your family, the ones who love you and for yourself. You are still naive, yet full of life, humility and compassion. The job will demand these qualities from you but it will also strip you of them over time.... be careful of that.
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Under Watchful Eyes and Capable Hands
I also have a promise to keep. A BIG one. A promise to a man whom I looked up to and admired. A man whom I do not want to let down. A man who I hope to one day meet again where he can tell me that I met his expectations.
Read More »Video: “When Those Sirens are Gone”
The video and song is by Kevin Davidson . Kevin is a Volunteer Firefighter for Greenwich VFD in Kings County Nova Scotia. He is also a paid Paramedic for EHS in Nova Scotia.
Read More »Not sure I’ll ever have another “Happy New Year”
This was not an accident. It wasn't a car wreck or an act of violence by someone else's hand. This wasn't a stranger I was looking at ... it was my brother laying there ... it was JACKSON and I knew what I was seeing. He was dead. What I didn't know was why.
Read More »Making the push… a Firefighter’s strugle with mental illness
For those of you not on the job I'll offer this brief explanation. "Making the push" is what Firefighters do once they get to (or near) the fire floor / room. It's what happens after we get to the point of no return... to the point of attack (or a difficult search).
Read More »Searching….
I can't describe the feeling in your gut as you're crawling down that dark, hot hallway. So dark that you can't see the lens of your face piece and so hot that your bottle is hot enough to heat the air you try to breath. I can't tell you why it is that we keep pushing / going but we do.
Read More »Emotional Parapets / Facades for the Holidays and beyond
If we can not help ourselves.... our own members... the Brothers and Sisters riding beside us ... how can we be expected to help those we are sworn to serve and protect? Think about that for a minute.
Read More »A Ticking Time Bomb..
At one point, I wasn't so sure I'd even make it. Now, I have hope.
Read More »I thought it's supposed to get easier? …
How can we be expected to save the lives of the very people we are sworn to protect and serve if we can not save our own?
Read More »A variation of "OJT"
I mentioned that I had returned to duty and that decision or "step" in my healing process was as huge and difficult as any of the others I've made.
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