You've always given 100% to everything you do but I want to ask you to hold back on this one. Save a little for your family, the ones who love you and for yourself. You are still naive, yet full of life, humility and compassion. The job will demand these qualities from you but it will also strip you of them over time.... be careful of that.
Read More »Tag Archives: Todd Harris
President Obama gains this Firefighter’s respect…
It was an amazing experience and I was HONORED to have our "Commander in Chief" in attendance. I'll say right here that I've read what I consider to be "negative" comments on other posts / sites and I'm ashamed.
Read More »Live Coverage 2015 IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial
The 2015 IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial Service is being held in Colorado Springs, Co. You can view LIVE coverage of the Service by clicking the link below. The Service will begin at 11:00 am Mountain Time (1:00 pm est). CLICK HERE FOR THE SERVICE
Read More »IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial
I'm currently in Colorado Springs, Colorado to attend the 2015 IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial.
Read More »The silent killer, carcinogens and our gear.
Maybe, without even knowing; we are dragging these cancer causing agents around with us... depositing them everywhere we go. In our rigs, back to the station, in the bunk room beside our bed at nights.
Read More »I wish
You know the old saying "sh%# in one hand, wish in the other and see which one fills up first"? Well, that's what today's post is about... my wishes.
Read More »“The Right Thing”
Doing "The Right Thing" isn't about me. It's not about making myself look better in the eyes of someone who may or may not even have a clue about "The Right Thing". It's not about impressing someone. It shouldn't be for you either. If it is ... then maybe you're missing the mark. Maybe you're NOT "Doing The Right Thing" after all. Maybe you're in the wrong place.
Read More »The Family’s Heart felt “Thanks”
With his passing still heavy on her heart and mind, Todd's mother sat down yesterday to attempt to write "Thank You" cards. She was simply overwhelmed by the number of Firefighters and the distances they had traveled. It's a true testament to the "Brotherhood" we firefighters share and it never ceases to amaze me.
Read More »For the friends and family of Michael Todd Harris… “Boots”
Boots Worked for me on C-shift, Station #13. He was our Senior Firefighter. He was a mentor to many. A Brother, son, husband, good friend and generous, unselfish, giving man. He was loved and will be missed by many!
Read More »All Hands Working …. situation …" Doubtful "..errr … "Will Hold" … maybe??
First off, I need to say THANK YOU for all the Christmas cards, and messages I received. I personally read each of them and can tell you that they helped lift my spirits (sorry I haven't replied to them all) . I cried every day after coming home to see the fresh stack awaiting me on the kitchen counter. It is very humbling to know that so many of you out there are thinking and care so much about me and my family.
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