
Well it’s Wednesday and the middle day of our cycle. Most of you have heard by now but we had a plane go down in the “Noke” yesterday. Here’s a photo taken by Brian Turner via The Roanoke Times

The crash obviously received a ton of coverage. Check out the reports from sites such as Va. Fire News or Statter 911. I tell ya what… it sounds like our brothers and sisters from B-shift did a heck of a job. It took less than 2 minutes for the guys to get a knock down on the fire and the aircraft went down off airport property. Listen to this audio Statter posted earlier…
[youtube=]It was told to me today that eye witnesses stated that when the ARFF truck (AR1) turned the corner to approach, the bumper turret was already aimed and beginning to flow. AR1 proceeded to extinguish the plane and later 2 passenger vehicles that were exposures. WOW! A one man show for a moment. Well, the driver / operator (he was alone..driving, aiming, and operating the turret) has trained his entire career for that moment and it paid off. Lt. Keith Whitlow was at the wheel yesterday and responded flawlessly. Here’s a pic of Keith in his younger days..
HELL OF A JOB KEITH! The crash ultimately resulted in a fatality (the pilot) and serious injury to a passenger. The local news reported today that the passenger is even scheduled to be released from the hospital today. You can read that update here. Our thoughts, prayers and sympathy go out to the friends and family of the pilot as well as wishes for a speedy and full recovery for the passenger. Now, I said “one man show” but again, that was only for a minute or so. Even civilians came to the aid of the crash victims. Both the City and County responded multiple units and YES even Engine 3 was dispatched. I’m not sure in what order they arrived but E3’s B-shift Lt. Rodney Jordan got the boys in there quick enough for Captain Kesterson to establish command and get the boys to work. Command of a plane crash … with multiple jurisdictions responding.. another good job. No other injuries occurred to Fire / EMS personnel or civilians despite the plane coming to rest against an occupied building.I wont try to list all the responding units but will add that on the above audio, that was Captain Mike Rose who responded in a 2nd ARFF truck and again say WELL DONE to all of the responders.
Moving on….Today… NOT as exciting. We’ve completed the normal activities for the day … cooking, cleaning, equipment checks, training, and even a few calls. But with the temp hovering in the 70’s it has felt like being locked up in prison. You know…pumping iron and setting out in “the yard” surrounded by brick and concrete….

At least our seating looks to be a little more comfortable. And isn’t ironic that we are now sitting at the table that as Melrose Misfits we once stole .. LMAO. Did I mention the weather today? Well, just like in real prison; we did have a few visitors..just no “conjugal visits” LOL. Opie’s wife and son Kyler dropped in to say hi and get a quicky …. tour that is … get your minds out of the gutter I said “no conjugal visits”. Here’s the pic

That was Kristy running from the camera…
That’s me getting the shot anyway..well can see her in the door. Not much else too exciting to report on..oh yea.. I almost forgot. I was able to complete my football uniform today. I needed 2 more items. Some may say 2 VERY IMPORTANT items...
YEP… a cup and mouth piece. The good news is that I now have them. The bad .. ok funny news is that I’m getting old. You see, my eye sight is somewhat errrrrr “going away” and these things don’t work like they did in my high school days. At my size, it’s hard for me to buy things that fit anyway (as if I’m a “shopper” at all). Well anyway I knew one set of directions said something about dipping it in boiling water and stretching it to fit. Have you ever boiled a cup??? LMAO cost me $40 and tasted like PLASTIC! Hahahahahahaha
Check us out.. The Roanoke Rampage .. first home game this Saturday April 3rd at Salem Mem. Stadium. Game @ 3pm tailgating at Noon.. look for the “Cowboy Cadillac”. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! See ya there. We’re back (all but suck a** Coon that is) on Friday, until then stay safe and in the house.
Captain Wines