On the mend …

Sorry I haven’t been here over the past few days but whatever I came down with has had a pretty good hold on me. I have literally been in the bed and unable to move since Sunday night … and NOT because Santa’s Sexy Helpers had me worn down. At first, I thought that maybe one of them gave me “something” . You know … that “gift that keeps on giving” (shoulda paid more attention to the “South Park Sex education episode) but then I thought WAIT; I’m not itching dripping or discolored … I’m puking, pooping and feel like dirt … I must really  be sick! LOL  (Yes, I said South Park… I love that show).

Anyway, I think I’m on the mend and fianally have that olld “sick” monkey off my back..

Did I say “sick” or “sock” monkey??/ Either way, the monkeys off my back. The bad news is two fold. First, I gave whatever it was that I lived through to the Buckaroo. Second, now that I’m healed, I have a ton of catching up to do here on the farm (and with the Buckaroo down, I’m down my only farm hand). The good news outta all this? I’ll be back to check in and resume “regular” type post tonight.

Until then, Stay safe and in house ….Thanks for all the e-mails , get well soons etc (and especially the “get well soon” flowers from Statter… nothing from that tight ass Cricket..LOL).
