400 votes!

This is awesome! Thanks ! This morning, we hit 400 votes received in the Black Diamond Boot 2010 Fire Blog of the Year Contest. Voting is open through January, you can vote every 6 hours in 2 categories .. once for your favorite “Fire Blog” and once for your favorite “EMS Blog”. We are currently leading the “Fire” side by need your support to maintain the advantage. Fire Critic  is hosting the contest …. the direct link to the voting page is HERE.

All of the finalist were invited to join Rhett and John over at Firefighter Netcast last night to talk about the contest and their sites. Several of us made the show and had a really good time. I went to the Firefighter Netcast East Coast Headquarters for the  live broadcast. We experienced some “technical … audio” difficulty (most likely due to a “rouge signal buster” sent from Dave Statter’s evil empire World Headquarters …LOL) but quickly solve the issues and completed the show. Visit firefighter Netcast and last night’s show  HERE.

I’m back on the road today hauling hay so you’ll have to wait until tonight for a “regular” type post… that is if I don’t get arrested for stealing someone’s Truck and Trailer. Apparently, the rig I have is NOT mine. I’m not sure who “Fat Boy” thinks owns the set up but I’m sure thankful that they let me use it. Check out this comment from yesterday’s post

“Little man we all know that this is not YOUR truck and that you dont have near the salary to own operate anything like that…so please quit acting like it is yours and also get some help for your bi-polar disorder..you have no idea who you are..”

LMAO … he is right about one thing … I need a raise!  The truck and trailers value are well above my yearly salary. I don’t think I posted on bringing the truck home but she was in a post from April 2009 on the Misfit Blog   HERE. I did post on buying the new trailer  HERE.  I am not “bi-polar” … I’m WAY more screwed up than that …LOL. I just wonder where some of these comments  come from..

Anyway … let me get to the 400 Vote payoff ….. 

Thanks again for all of the support and votes … keep em coming!

I’ll check back in tonight ….. until then, stay safe and in house!

Captain Wines