
Yea, Firefighter Lives Matter Too

As firefighters, we see and do things on a daily basis that most people never will (and shouldn't have to). We see and do these things without hesitation yet there was no way we could have known or been prepared for the life we were about to devote and expose ourselves to.

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Gambling with Firefighter’s lives

Take Randy's new Department for example.... in my opinion ... just like others all across the Country (paid and volunteer); single member staffing and POV response is a gamble. IT'S A GAMBLE WITH FIREFIGHTER'S LIVES!

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I can't describe the feeling in your gut as you're crawling down that dark, hot hallway. So dark that you can't see the lens of your face piece and so hot that your bottle is hot enough to heat the air you try to breath. I can't tell you why it is that we keep pushing / going but we do.

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