Tag Archives: Chief Rick Lasky

A “Learning Experience” …

If we are not learning every day, we are wasting our time. It's our duty to learn and evolve on or ahead of the same pace that the situations and challenges we face daily are. If we don't, we are destined to fail. It's an up hill battle and one that, at a minimum; requires dedication, determination, discipline and desire.

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Becoming infectious

The point I'm working towards is this. I think that together, Rhett and I have a pretty good grasp / understanding of Pride and Ownership ( and know all to well that it takes more than a few Memorial Stair Climbs or our face on a coin). Now, all we have to do is to figure out what to do with it. Actually, that's not 100% correct either ... we know what to do with it ... that's part of owning it.

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